Coding music: Part 2

Similar to the first post I wrote about, movie soundtracks that are great for developing software. This is a list of albums that are chill, futuristic and melodic. The tracks in these albums are ambient and in the background in order not to distract you from what you are focusing on, but they have an upbeat tempo to keep you energized as you get into flow.

Mirrors Edge Soundtrack: Mirror's Edge is a futuristic artsy minimalist game by EA about a courier messenger Faith, who you move from one spot to another using parkour. The game was a cult classic and I would even argue was an inspiration for the movie Tracers. The soundtrack has a futuristic Matrix feel to it. If you liked the Tron Soundtrack from the last list you would like this one too.

Worlds by Porter Robinson: Worlds is a huge shift from his Porter's original work 'Spitfire' which made him famous in the Electronic music circles. Worlds is ambient, tracks like 'Sea of Voices' give you the feeling you're floating in Space. Outside this album, he has new tracks like 'Shelter' that are of similar style and easy to listen to while you code.

Senses by Daydreamer: I stumbled onto this album while sampling some Deep focus playlists on Spotify. Tracks like Swoon and Skyscrapers immediately caught my attention so I quickly added them to my coding playlist and had them on repeat.

Dark Knight Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer: Like I mentioned in the last post, any soundtrack Hans Zimmer puts out is worth a listen. His scores always enhance whatever scenes you are watching or code you are writing. This is just another of my recent favorites.


Another Eternity by Purity Ring: is the last album on the list. Purity Ring is an electro-pop group that produces these bone-chilling tracks. This is one of the albums I can easily listen to regardless of if I was trying to focus in front of my computer or If I was driving my car. All the work they put out is solid. I would also like to give a shout out to their previous album 'Shrines'

If you are in the market for music that can help you focus while writing a paper, writing code or to listen to while reading a book. These are a couple of albums that you may find useful.